Training for the Cross - Blog

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Only The Truth Is True

"You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you. Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD, the LORD, is the Rock eternal" (Isaiah 26:3-4).

Photo by Chrissy King, NV

I'm preparing for my Jr. and Sr. High Sunday School class and wanted to share with you the theme we will be starting in September. "Only the Truth is True." It is a simple statement. My goal with this theme is for my students to understand the truth of God and His Word. Anything that doesn't line up with His Word is simply NOT true. The Bible, God's Word is TRUTH!

We tell other believers or nonbelievers this, but too many times we allow Satan to rob this truth from us or we simply don't stand on it. What truth are you not standing on today? This morning, mine was that I wasn't trusting God with EVERYTHING!
I recognized it when I was praying while I was getting ready this morning and asked, "Lord, please give me a scripture to build my trust." To be honest, I thought of some scriptures in my head and thought, "Well, that is probably what I needed." However, I wasn't any more comforted, nor felt any more trusting. I knew in my mind that I could trust God, but I didn't have peace. I got online to check my email and one of my devotionals was on trusting God! The scripture was "You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord, is the Rock eternal" (Isaiah 26:3-4). It was awesome! God gave me exactly what I needed. He met me where I was at this morning. I am so thankful to Him that He is faithful even when I am not! Where are you today? What do you need? Jesus knows and wants to bless you and speak to you. Go to Him!

Please pray with me.

Lord Jesus,
I come to you empty. Lord, you know my every need and my concerns. Lord, I lay them all at your feet and ask that you would give me truth today. That I would come to you and be fed by you. Give me faith to trust you with every area of my life. Thank you that you are a real and living God and that you can be trusted. Thank you that you care about me, and you are wanting and asking me to come to you. Thank you that you give peace that surpasses understanding! I praise you and thank you for your faithfulness! In Jesus precious name, Amen!

Amaia Black


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