Tuesday, October 28, 2014
The Cowboy's Bible Study
12-Week Discipleship Course
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you" (Matthew 28:19-20).
My goal at TVCC is to set a solid foundation in my students that will enable them to use a horse to get a job done on the ranch and in the arena. I do this by first teaching them the four things needed to eliminate resistance in doing a job. Next, I turn them loose to do jobs and as problems begin to surface I teach them how to eliminate the three causes of resistance in doing a job. My goal is the same in this 12-week Bible study.
The best way to become one with a horse is to set out to do a job together, and the most enjoyable job in my opinion is branding calves and other forms of ranch roping; doctoring, calving, disciplinary training, etc. “The Cowboy’s Bible Study" is a 12-week interactive discipleship course that is structured like a horse clinic and uses parables to better understand the "pattern" of the Tabernacle and the significance it plays in a believer's life. Moses was given a pattern when instructed to build the tabernacle and it was this pattern that took the priest in the Old Covenant into the presence of God. The same pattern can take ALL believers into the presence of God in the New Covenant.
They serve at a sanctuary that is a copy and shadow of what is in heaven. This is why Moses was warned when he was about to build the tabernacle: "See to it that you make everything according to the pattern shown you on the mountain" (Hebrews 8:5).
The pattern given to Moses in the Old Covenant can serve as a copy (model) to help take us into the presence of God in the New Covenant. The priest in the Old Covenant could not just walk into the presence of God without preparing themselves first, and neither can we in the New Covenant. “The Cowboy’s Bible Study" uses horsemanship, roping skills, stockmanship, ranch roping and rodeo parables to help reveal to us who we are in Christ, help eliminate resistance in marriage/relationships, fan into flame and direct our spiritual gifts on a career path, and receive insight into spiritual discernment and spiritual warfare.
The goal of this Bible study is to set a solid foundation in a believer's life of "who they are in Christ," and help the believer draw closer to their heavenly Father through finding their pre-ordained career path working in the kingdom of heaven. “For we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them” (Ephesians 2:10). Just like a horse becomes mentally and physically unstable when they are confined, over trained and under worked. A Christian will do the same if they do not get out of the four walls of the church (round pen/arena) and start being used “outside” doing real jobs on the ranch (home, community, country, world). We believe at Training for the Cross that the horses with the best foundations are the ones that have put in long days doing real jobs. We also believe that God is looking for men and women who are willing to do the same by taking their spiritual gifts and talents outside the four walls of the church, to be used as a vessel in the market and work place.
Special Requirements: This course will be taught like a horse clinic. A person who has paid to ride in a horse clinic would expect to not only learn a bunch of head knowledge from the instructor, but to gain new revelations with their horse through experience. A person should expect the same thing in their relationship with the Lord through this course. This course will be taught like Wade’s riding classes at TVCC. However, instead of Wade advising, as the students are training the horse, Wade will be advising as God is training the student. Just like it is essential for students to be committed in devoting time to work with their horse daily in Wade’s riding classes, it is essential that students are committed in devoting time to God daily in this course.
The Cowboy's Bible Study - 12-week Discipleship Course
1st meeting: Intro “40 days to the Trainer,” Foundation for Perfection, and the Tabernacle
- Day 1- pages 4-13
- Day 2- pages 14-21
- Day 3- pages 22-35
- Day 4- pages 36-55
- Day 5- pages 56-65
- Day 6- pages 66-76
- Day 1- Preface
- Day 2- Introduction
- Day 3- True Unity
- Day 4- In the Beginning: A Perfect World
- Day 5- In the Beginning: God, Man, Animals
- Day 6- Two Thought Processes
- Day 7- Job Completion vs. True Unity
Meeting: Group discussion and practice “Rule of Thirds”
- Day 8- God's Will: Driving Factors
- Day 9- Confidence/Faith
- Day 10- Obstacles in Accomplishing the Job
- Day 11- God's Will: To do a Job
- Day 12- 1st Obstacle: Submitting Our Will
- Day 13- Two Levels of Submission
- Day 14- Two Kinds of Horses and Two Kinds of People
Meeting: Group discussion and practice “Rule of Thirds”
- Day 15- 2nd Obstacle: Communicating God's Will
- Day 16- Direction for My Ministry: "Communication"
- Day 17- 3rd Obstacle: Obeying Commands and Building Confidence
- Day 18- Resistance in Obeying Commands and Building Confidence
- Day 19- 4th Obstacle: Completing the Job
- Day 20- Willing Submission
- Day 21- Communication
Meeting: Group discussion and practice “Rule of Thirds”
- Day 22- Direction and Life
- Day 23- False Direction
- Day 24- Balanced Direction to Life Ratio
- Day 25- Solid Foundation of Maneuvers (Mechanical)
- Day 26- Solid Foundation of Maneuvers (Mental)
- Day 27- Solid Foundation of Maneuvers (Bringing Mechanical to Mental)
- Day 28- Three Stages of Breaking a Horse
Meeting: Group discussion and practice “Rule of Thirds”
- Day 29- Theme of the Book: "Communication"
- Day 30- Rivers in Eden: The Way to Paradise
- Day 31- Rivers in Eden
- Day 32- Euphrates: Up to Our Ankles
- Day 33- Hiddekel: Up to Our Knees
- Day 34- Reaching Pison: Up to Our Loins
- Day 35- Havilah: Tribulation that Leads to Pison
Meeting: Group discussion and practice “Rule of Thirds”
- Day 36- Havilah: Repent of Un-Nakedness
- Day 37- Pison: Reaching Maturity in Christ
- Day 38- Gihon: Over Our Heads
- Day 39- Waters From God: Pure River of Life
- Day 40- What is the Problem?
Meeting: Group discussion and practice “Rule of Thirds”
9th meeting: Roping Skills: Implementing your spiritual gifts and talents on a career path
Meeting: Group discussion and practice “Rule of Thirds”
10th meeting: Roping Skills, Implementing your spiritual gifts and talents on a career path
Meeting: Review and Discussion practice “Rule of Thirds”
11th meeting: Stockmanship: Spiritual Discernment and Spiritual Warfare
Meeting: Evidence of an Anointing- Work place and family.
12th meeting: Ranch Roping: Working as a child of God in His Kingdom
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